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Accurate Data Provided by Dynamometer Card Measurement Technology at the Second Oil Extraction Plant

Time:2014-03-28 Click:
Detailed introduction
       After nearly four years of exploration and improvement, as of early March, the Second Oil Extraction Plant in Huabei Oilfield has implemented dynamometer card measurement technology on 478 oil wells, becoming the largest oil extraction plant in Huabei Oilfield to adopt this technology.
       Focusing on the goal of providing first-hand data for oilfield development, the plant adopts a dynamometer card measurement management approach, ensuring daily inquiries and maintenance to guarantee online availability. This technology has completely replaced separator measurement, eliminating the traditional separator measurement process in metering stations and simplifying the ground process flow of the oilfield. The total liquid volume error after replacing separator measurement with dynamometer card measurement is within 3%, meeting the needs of oilfield data acquisition.
       The head of the geological institute at the Second Oil Extraction Plant stated that the remote monitoring system for dynamometer card measurement can continuously monitor changes in wellhead pressure, liquid level, and production volume. In case of significant changes in the oil well, the system immediately alerts operators, allowing them to take prompt measures and achieve a rapid response in oil well site management.